Design at the sophomore level is about mastering the basics of how to create form, how to create meaning, and how to understand the context of output, audience, and craft as a means of measuring successful work.
Sophomores get a foundation in typography, color, symbolic drawing, design for
small to large formats and design thinking. A client is typically brought in
for an identity project to practice communication skills and solving a message
other than one’s own.In the banner, you see studies for a two-letter symbol and the subsequent 48” poster
for a visiting artist. Next are studies in symbolic drawing, translating two
leaves with clear identity into one symbol. Then symbol design for and actual
client, the West Virginia School-Based Health Association. Above are sets of
cube studies, creating color theme and type systems to compose 6 faces and imply
content. These are precursors to package design. A powerful way to communicate nonverbally is through the use of visual metaphor
and gestalt. After the Sandy Hook massacre, this student wanted to open dialogue
about the causes of gun violence. The typographic interpretation of February was part of a group project to
create a whole calendar that was produced for all in the class. Paper engineering is introduced, in this case, as a 3D resume. While sophomores
may not have much material on their resume, it can still look impressive. These
collapse to fold into a number 10 envelope.
The sophomore process involves lots of brainstorming sketches, a series of critiques that hone in on ideas, and which things in compositions interfere with the clarity of the idea. It generally takes three critiques to get a great product. The sophomore process also involves discovering systems and limitations as a way of generating creative options.